Code of

Rather, a code of ethics sets forth values, ethical principles, and ethical standards to which professionals aspire and by which their actions can be judged. Social workers’ ethical behavior should result from their personal commitment to engage in ethical practice.

Together, we must be exemplary

A national lead, the Commercial Egyptian Group is built on strong human, entrepreneurial and family values: initiative, daring, integrity and imagination.

Present since the Group’s founding 6 years ago, these values have contributed to its global success.

We are not only known and respected for our leadership, our expertise and our business performance, but also for our environmental performance, us social and societal initiatives, and our ethics.

Our customers, our service providers and our partners expect us to be exemplary in every way. The image of our Group, as well as its long-term success and performance, depend on our ability to meet these expectations.

As a responsible company, we have drafted a code of ethics grouping all the rules and values to be adopted and applied by all employees.

In a world that is changing faster and faster, this code is an unshakeable base that will inspire us every day and guide us in our decisions.

As a company, an employer and a good corporate citizen, CE Group must be exemplary and implement the highest standards in terms of integrity.

I rely on each and every one to read this code attentively, to abide by it and ensure those around you also abide by it.

Together, we must be exemplary!

Sherif Fouad

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of CE Group


This Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of CE Group commitment to maintain the highest levels of business ethics, personal integrity and compliance across its business.

It defines our company’s expectations for our collaborators’ working relationships, specifically with other CE Group collaborators, customers, governments, public officials, business partners, suppliers, competitors, and the wider community.

The CE Group makes every effort to conduct its business in accordance with the values and principles contained in this Code of Ethics, which consists of the seven following principles:

      • Respect for Collaborators
      • Respect for the environment
      • Compliance with applicable legislation
      • Respect for business partners
      • Respect for the Company, the workplace and equipment
      • Compliance with the Code of Ethics
      • Reporting violations.


Dignity and respect

The CE Group strives to treat Collaborators with dignity and mutual respect.
The Group consequently attaches great importance to honoring and safeguarding the fundamental principles of diversity as laid out in the Declaration of Human Rights.
These values are enshrined in the Group’s recruitment guidelines and guarantee the fundamental rights of every Collaborator.
The CE Group is therefore committed to excluding discrimination of any kind, whether based on national or social origins, race, gender, sexual orientation, age or on religious, political or other beliefs.
The Group complies with all applicable civil rights, human rights and employment laws wherever we operate.

Safety and security

The Group encourages its personnel to warn management about any potential danger to the safety of persons and property that may arise in the course of their professional work.
These international standards have been incorporated into the Group’s internal procedures.
Accordingly, the CE Group maintains appropriate protective measures to ensure the safety and security of persons and property.
To this end, each Collaborator must:
–  Follow the strict guidelines issued and, Comply with the Group’s preventive


Protection of the environment is an integral part of the CE Group’s corporate strategy. This policy is reflected in concrete actions that aim not only to minimize the impact of the Group’s activities on the environment but also to support the development of a culture of environmental awareness that is shared by everyone.


CE Group depends on its business partners for its success. It is CE group policy to assure that the Group’s Business Partners meet the same standards of ethical and legal compliance as the Group itself.
We expect our Business Partners to cooperate in our due diligence efforts, to remain equally cooperative in due diligence efforts undertaken by our partners.


A conflict of interest exists where there is a risk that a CE Collaborator or Business Partner might use his/her/its position to exploit a professional situation for
his/her/its personal benefits or that of a third party.
Respect for Business Partners The CE Group selects its Business Partners based on objective criteria in accordance with certain specifications and in the primary interests of the Group.
On no account can the Group enter into a contract with a Business Partner who is in breach of, or likely to breach, the principles and rules set out in this Code of
Ethics or the Third-Party Code of Conduct.
The Group will undertake risk-based due diligence inquiries to help assure that our Business Partners comply with the Group’s Policies.
The Group expects its Business Partners to comply with the principles and rules which are detailed in the Third-Party Code of Conduct

Respecting the work environment

All Collaborators must respect their workplace and the equipment provided by the Group Protecting confidential information
Collaborators of the Group are bound by a strict obligation of confidentiality regarding information gathered as part of their duties or in their work environment.
Any information whatsoever that is not available to the public.
If there is any doubt, it is the responsibility of Collaborators of the Group to take the initiative and find out whether the information is confidential or not by
referring to their manager.
Once information is of a confidential nature, Collaborators in the Group are required to take all reasonable precautions to safeguard its confidentiality and to prevent its disclosure

Work Environment


The CE Group and all its Collaborators undertake to comply with this Code of Ethics, which defines an ethical framework and the foundation of the company’s
core values governing the Group’s relationships with its staff, customers, suppliers, representatives and any other public or private organization.
All Collaborators of the Group and whoever is required to represent the Group must comply with this Code of Ethics in both their internal and external

Management will seek to ensure, with every Collaborator that the principles and rules described herein are implemented and promoted.
Certain principles of this Code of Ethics constitute an addition to the internal regulations applicable in each organization and are subject to the same rules as the latter. In this respect, the Code of Ethics may be enforced against the Collaborator in the event of any breach of its rules and principles.
Any Collaborator of the Group who fails to comply with this Code of Ethics will be liable for disciplinary measures as described in the internal regulations of each site, and in accordance with relevant labor legislation, as well as, possible criminal and civil proceedings.


The CE Group encourages the reporting of any observed or presumed infringement of the law or the internal policies, by contacting the relevant manager of using the
company-approved methods for reporting compliance issues.